Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen was sexually harassed by supervisor, US Army investigation finds

Family of Vanessa Guillen marking first anniversary of her disappearance and murder at Fort Hood

FORT HOOD – The U.S. Army confirmed that Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen, who authorities say was killed by a fellow soldier last year, had previously been sexually harassed by a supervisor. However, unit leadership took no action, according to an Army report released Friday.

The revelation comes after the U.S. Army Forces Command released a 100-page report on Friday.

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“I directed this investigation to identify what happened and to find areas where we needed to improve across our command,” said Gen. Garrett, commanding general of U.S. Army Forces Command. “We can and must hold ourselves accountable, learn and improve across all our Army units. To do any less breaks trust with our people and the American public.”

The investigation also found that Guillen had twice reported that she was sexually harassed, but no action was taken. In one case, Guillen reported that one of her supervisors made an inappropriate sexual comment to her in Spanish last summer, which she understood to be a solicitation for a threesome, according to the Army report.

Guillen confided in other soldiers about the incident and two of them reported it to unit leadership. But the top leadership failed to initiate an investigation, the Army said.

They do not believe the harassment was related to Guillen’s murder, investigators confirmed.

“No evidence indicates that this sexual harassment was in any way related to her death,” the Army said in a press release.

The report sheds no light on what might have led Aaron Robinson, a fellow Army specialist, to kill Guillen. The investigation found that Robinson had been sexually harassing another soldier but there was “no credible evidence” he harassed Guillen or that they had a relationship outside of work, the report says.

Guillen’s disappearance and death sparked calls to change the culture at Fort Hood and resulted in the firing or suspension of more than two dozen people at the base.

The Houston native vanished more than a year ago and her remains were found two months later.

NBC News contributed to this report.

See more stories about the Vanessa Guillen case:

Suspect in Vanessa Guillen case asks judge to dismiss indictment

One year later: How Vanessa Guillen’s family is marking anniversary of Fort Hood soldier’s disappearance, death

Friends and family say final goodbye to Vanessa Guillen

Legislation honoring Vanessa Guillen introduced in Austin

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