Here are the 3 phases of Trump’s new guidelines to get the economy restarted

HOUSTON – President Donald Trump revealed his three-phase “Opening up America Again” plan to reopen the economy Thursday as the country reels under the economic freefall caused by the coronavirus pandemic and closures.

Trump unveiled his administration’s plans to ease social distancing requirements on a call Thursday with the nation’s governors. The new guidelines are aimed at clearing the way for an easing of restrictions in areas with low transmission of the coronavirus while keeping them in place in harder-hit locations.

In a press conference Thursday, Trump said if state governors chose to remain closed for a longer period of time, his administration would support them. White House officials also said the states can make a statewide decision or make decisions on a county-by-county basis. Gov. Greg Abbott plans to hold a press conference Friday to discuss what his plan is to reopen Texas.

READ ALSO: New details revealed of Pres. Trump’s 3-phase approach to reopening economy after coronavirus

New guidelines

In a document provided to all 50 US governors during an afternoon phone call and obtained by CNN, the White House spelled out a three-phase approach to easing restrictions that depends on meeting specific case count and hospital capacity thresholds.

White House officials stressed that there is no timeline for rolling out this plan. However, governors who feel they meet the guidelines can move into Phase 1 as of Friday.

Before we can go to Phase 1

Before the states go into the first phase of the plan, there needs to be certain benchmarks that are met. Those include:

  • A sustained downward trajectory of new positive coronavirus cases over a 14-day period or a downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period
  • A downward trajectory of influenza-like illnesses reported within a 14-day period and a downward trajectory of COVID-like syndromic cases reported within a 14-day period
  • A return to pre-crisis conditions in hospitals and a robust testing program in place for at-risk healthcare workers
  • States should have the “ability to quickly set up safe and efficient screening and testing sites,” the guidelines read, and “quickly and independently supply sufficient Personal Protective Equipment” in hospitals.

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Phase 1: (For states and regions who meet the gatekeeping criteria)

  • All vulnerable individuals must continue to shelter-in-place. The people who go back to work should not be among the high-risk category
  • Continue to maintain six-feet social distancing guidelines
  • Nonessential travel should be minimized
  • Employers should provide options for teleworking for people who are vulnerable
  • People should return to work in small phases
  • If schools are already closed, they should remain closed
  • Visiting senior living facilities is still prohibited
  • Large group gatherings should be avoided
  • Gyms can open if they can adhere to strict distancing guidelines
  • Elective surgeries can resume on an outpatient basis

Phase 2: (For states, regions with no evidence of rebound after phase 1)

  • Vulnerable and high-risk individuals should continue to shelter in place
  • Groups of more than 50 people should be avoided
  • Non-essential travel can resume
  • Employers should continue to provide telework options to people if they can’t maintain distancing
  • Schools, daycares and camps can resume
  • Visiting senior living facilities will continue to be prohibited
  • Both inpatient and outpatient elective surgeries can resume
  • Bars may operate with diminished standing-room occupancy

Phase 3: (For states and regions with no evidence of rebound after first two phases)

  • Vulnerable individuals can resume public interactions but should practice physical distancing, minimize exposure to social settings where distancing may not be practical
  • Low-risk populations should consider minimizing time spent in crowded environments
  • Unrestricted staffing of worksites can resume
  • Visits to senior living facilities can resume
  • Large venues can operate under limited physical distancing protocol
  • Gyms can remain open if they can adhere to sanitization protocol
  • Bars may operate with increased standing room occupancy

Guidelines for people through all the phases:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue or the inside of your elbow
  • Disinfect frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible
  • Strongly consider wearing face coverings in public and while using mass transit
  • People who feel sick should stay home. Don’t go to work or school and contact a medical provider

Watch Trump’s press briefing below:

WATCH LIVE: President Trump is expected to layout his 3-phase plan to reopen the economy after the coronavirus pandemic. DETAILS:

Posted by KPRC2 / Click2Houston on Thursday, April 16, 2020

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