Prayers requested for HPD officer battling COVID-19 in intensive care

HOUSTON – The local law enforcement community is rallying around a veteran Houston police officer fighting to survive COVID-19.

A private prayer vigil for senior officer Ernest Leal is scheduled to take place Monday at 6 p.m., at the Houston Police Officers’ Union downtown. The vigil is only open to officers within the Houston Police Department.

Leal is currently fighting for his life.

The 35-year department veteran has been in intensive care for weeks at Houston Northwest Medical Center in Cypress after contracting COVID-19.

Ray Hunt, executive director of the HPOU, said officer Leal’s condition is grave.

“All the Houston police officers are thinking about him on a regular basis and obviously if we can do something for him to cure him we would,” Hunt said. “Unfortunately the only thing we can do for him is to pray for him. We’re asking the same thing from the public.”

Hunt said prayer is their best defense right now as doctors and nurses work to keep Officer Leal alive.

The senior officer’s wife, Dee, a retired HPD officer, hasn’t left his side, according to Hunt.

“The two of them are fixtures here at the HPOU. Anytime we have a function they’re here to help and do whatever they can to help out fellow officers. So I’m asking now that the other officers help them out with their prayer,” Hunt said.

Officers across the city are answering that call. Dozens are expected to gather inside union headquarters to pray for Officer Leal’s health, as and well as his wife’s strength. The public is also being asked to do the same.

READ: Houston police seeking cards, prayers for officer Leal fighting COVID-19

Houston Northwest Medical Center will also keep its conference room open until 9 p.m. Monday night for anyone wishing to drop off a card.

HPD has not had an officer die of COVID-19 this year.

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