WATCH: Man with autism reunites with family after he went missing for two days

HOUSTON – Two-and-a-half days after a 21-year-old man with learning disabilities disappeared from near his west Houston home, he was found safe 20 miles away at a men’s shelter.

Khalen Wright was last seen walking towards the Starbucks near his home. His mother Aisha Wright said he has been diagnosed with a cognitive delay learning disability and mild autism developmental disorder.

“He’s very friendly, he’s outgoing,” Wright said, but “it’s not like him to not come home.”

Tuesday afternoon, Wright was passing out fliers with friends and family.

“He loves people, he loves talking to people about God,” Wright said at the time, starting to cry. “He’s just, it’s just hard.”

Tuesday night, while passing out fliers, Wright got a collect call from the Star of Hope men’s shelter.

After she heard his voice, Wright dropped to her knees and started to pray and cry, she said.

The family immediately drove to the shelter and Khalen, his younger brother, Kylas, and Ms. Wright hugged and cried together.

“Thank you to everybody who shared the Facebook page, thank you to everybody who texted,” Wright said, nearly in tears. “Thank you to everyone who prayed for his safe return home.”

“I tell the world, you are amazing,” Kalen Wright said in tears after reuniting with his family. “I’ve been blessed.”

“(He) never leave me or forsake me, my God,” he added. “I see the greatness of other people, Jesus. I know he’s been good to me."

About the Author

Award-winning journalist, mother, YouTuber, social media guru, millennial, mentor, storyteller, University of Houston alumna and Houston-native.

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