In heartbreaking video, young girl asks Santa for family's roof to be fixed after Hurricane Harvey

HOUSTON – The number of presents under a partially lit Christmas tree grew after an 8-year-old girl’s Christmas wish list quickly spread with the help of social media.  

"My wish is my dad to get better because during the hurricane it started raining so hard and that's when the roof fell,” said Betzabe Gomez.

She said she was afraid of telling anyone about her Harvey-damaged home because she feared getting bullied.

Glass covers a hole in the back of her home in northeast Houston. A blue tarp covers a hole in the roof. She said, "Whenever it's raining, we have to put (out) a bucket."

"This really struck a chord in my heart,” said State Rep. Armando Walle of Houston. He posted the Gomez family story on social media after someone shared her letter to Santa.

Walle nailed the tarp over the roof. But he said he wanted to do more.

He told KPRC, "They need a new house. They're a family. Very humble. Very proud. They never asked for anything."

Help kept coming Friday.

A dad dropped by with his daughters to offer help. Baker Ripley neighborhood centers sent help as well.

I was very hesitant to post this video out of concern for the family. But social media has been a tool many utilize to...

Posted by Armando L. Walle on Thursday, December 21, 2017

It was almost too much for an 8-year-old to understand.

"I really love my parents. I love all of the people who are trying to help me. I just want to thank them so much for wanting to help me," Gomez said.

Her dad sat beside her, resting. He came home from dialysis while KPRC 2 visited.

Gomez will celebrate her ninth birthday Saturday. Her birthday wish is not typical. While her mom takes care of her and her four siblings, she wanted to take care of her dad.

She said, "They put like this little machine. And if it stops, he's gonna die. And I've been scared of that."

For those that want to help Betzabe Gomez, consider donating to this page. No others are valid.

Posted by Armando L. Walle on Friday, December 22, 2017

She said, "I don't want any toys or nothing. I just want help. All I want is help for my family."

If you would like to help, visit this page.

Walle said he and others will host a birthday party for Gomez at 4700 Aldine Mail Route 2 p.m. Saturday.

He said, ”She wears 1-1/2 shoes. 10-12 in blouses and 10 jeans. She likes skinny jeans. Likes to play basketball with her 13-year-old brother.”

For more on the party and opportunities to help, visit this page.

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