What Jeff Lindner is doing with money raised for his vacation

Harris County Flood Control District meteorologist wants more relief donations

HOUSTON – Jeff Lindner became a familiar face during round-the-clock coverage of Hurricane Harvey and the floods that followed.  

Many people taking note of Linder's efforts established a GoFundMe account to raise money for Lindner to take a vacation.

The response was overwhelming. Over $21,000 in donations was received -- well over the $4,000 goal.

Lindner, a Houston native, knew he had to do something to help flood victims after seeing the devastation.

Instead of keeping the money, he turned it into a relief fund.

"Yesterday, I just went into a subdivision, it was Concord Bridge, and the first street I turned down, I got out, I walked up to the door and I knocked, and I gave money away," he said. "Those people were unbelievably grateful. And it's not me. It's all of y'all who have given money. That's who they're grateful to."

Lindner is now asking for additional donations to help with flood relief.

"A lot of people ask when they give donations to big organizations, 'Where does the money go?'" Lindner said. "The struggle for a lot of people who have flooded is how do I get my house back in order. I'm spending my savings. I'm blowing through money. I'm having to stay in a hotel and I'm still waiting on somebody to come into my house and start putting it back together. That's where a lot of people are right now. They're in that weird period between being out of their house and getting back into their house."

"There's now the financial need to get people through this tough period to get people back into their house," he said.

Lindner has partnered with Fanatical Change, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that restores the transparency in charitable giving. Click here to learn more.

Rest assured, Lindner has said previously that he still plans to take a vacation at some point.

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