Archived video: Sundance Head on talent show 13 years ago

HOUSTON – Even 13 years ago, Porter's Sundance Head had the voice of a star.

Head has performed his way to the finals of this season of "The Voice."

He's also been a contestant on "American Idol."

But even before then, he displayed his talents on Channel 2's "Gimme The Mike" in 2003. It was a talent show produced by KPRC-TV.

His love of music was apparent.

"Music is the great communicator," Head told an interviewer in a pre-show interview. "I mean, I don't even know Spanish, but I'll listen to the Spanish channel."

He gave a powerful rendition of the R&B classic "Mustang Sally."

Sundance's parents were in the audience and the crowd seemed to love it -- but one of the judges apparently wasn't impressed.

The judge told Head that if he kept singing in a gravelly tone he would not have a voice in the next two years.

The judge was booed after he told Head that he needs to get some help for his voice.

Head's voice has lasted for the past 13 years, long enough to get him to the finals of "The Voice" Tuesday night.

It's a journey the once baby-faced singer started a while ago that will hopefully lead to victory in Los Angeles, and beyond.

All the hard work has been done and the votes are in, so Tuesday night is mainly about Head and the other contestants having fun.

He will get to perform live with one of his all-time favorite music acts, KISS.

The performance will have sentimental value for Head.

KISS was the first concert he ever attended as a boy. He was taken by his older brother, who would die in a car crash about a month later.

About the Author

Emmy Award-winning anchor, husband, dad, German Shepherd owner, Crossfitter, Game of Thrones junkie, chupacabra hunter.

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