Thieves who ransacked apartment in Energy Corridor caught on camera

HOUSTON – Thieves attempted to destroy security camera footage after they ransacked an apartment near the Energy Corridor, officials said.

Agnes Ramirez said that she was at work on Saturday evening when she was notified that her door at Briar Forest Apartments had been kicked in.

“From the outside, you could see that the door was cracked, and inside, they ransacked the whole place,” Ramirez said.

She said that the three thieves stole laptops, jewelry and electronics and went through her children’s room before they realized that there was a security camera in the apartment.

“They stole the router and smashed the camera, but it was too late,” she said.

Ramirez said that all of the footage had already uploaded to her cloud storage. She said when she reviewed the footage, the three men were inside for approximately eight minutes.

“It’s a violation to see somebody coming into your house,” Ramirez said. “All of my stuff was on the floor, everything, you couldn't even see the floor.”

Ramirez said that she immediately filed a police report and plans to buy more security cameras. She said that she is thankful that she and her children weren't at home when the break-in happened, but she said she wants the trio to be caught.

“I work hard for everything I have in this house. Nobody handed it to me,“ Ramirez said. 

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Emmy-winning journalist. Inquisitive. Sparkle enthusiast. Coffee-fueled, with a dash of sass.

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