Sign throwing 'serious shade' at anti-vaxxers goes viral

HOUSTON – A message pointing out the potential lifelong impact of not vaccinating your kids is going viral after a woman saw a sign in her doctor’s office.

Sunni Mariah posted a photo of the message on her Facebook page.

The message reads:

"Not vaccinating your kids leaves them vulnerable to disease their whole lives. 

When your daughter gets rubella when pregnant, how are you going to explain that you chose to leave her at risk?

What will you say when she calls you and tells you she has cervical cancer because you decided that she wouldn't need the HPV vaccine?

What do you tell your son when he breaks the news to you that he cannot have kids, thanks to the mumps that he got as a teenager?

And what do you say when he gives influenza to his grandma? How do you explain that she won’t be coming home from (the) hospital? Not ever.

Do you tell them that you didn't think these diseases were that serious? That you thought that your organic, home cooked food was enough to protect them? 

Do you say sorry?”

In a caption for the post, Sunni wrote, “New sign at my Dr’s office is throwing some serious shade.”

The message has been shared 183,000 times, as of this writing.

The sign was created by Northern Rivers Vaccination Supporters, an advocacy group concerned about vaccination rates. 


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