Anonymous threats made against Splendora via social media

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Texas – Authorities are working to find the identity of a person making threats to young people in the Splendora area.

The threats were made on Facebook. The person wrote "I am going to kill everyone in Splendora on July 13th".

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The Precinct 4 Constable's office, the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office and the county district attorney's office have been asking Facebook to provide information about the account that made the threat.

However, Facebook is not cooperating and told authorities the threat doesn't rise to the level of an emergency.

Montgomery County District Attorney Phil Grant released the following statement:

"While most threats like these are young people making idle threats they never plan to carry out, in this day and age we cannot ignore or dismiss threats of this nature. The Precinct Four Constables Office, the Montgomery County Sheriffs Office and our office have done everything in our power to track down the individual responsible for these threats and determine the seriousness of their intentions. Unfortunately, due to Facebook's incomprehensible lack of cooperation, we now have to take the extraordinary step of placing an entire community on notice of a threat we could have eliminated but for their stubborn and irresponsible position. Please continue to notify your local law enforcement agencies if any additional threats are received. We will continue to take this seriously and do all we can to protect this community despite Facebook's lack of cooperation."

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