How much have food costs gone up in Houston?

File image of a carton of eggs (Pixabay)

On Thursday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released data that conveyed some good news and bad news in regards to inflation and food costs.

The good news was that consumer prices decreased by .1%, according to the report. The bad news is that grocery prices still are going up fairly rapidly.

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The report said that grocery prices are 11.8% higher year over year, and in particular, eggs prices have really skyrocketed.

Due to factors such as an avian flu that destroyed poultry flocks, increased demand and higher input costs, egg prices are up 59.9%, a rate not seen since 1973.

Eggs are costing anywhere between $6 and $8 a dozen in many places.

Below is data on costs of goods not only in the area, but nationally.

Below is a graphic for how much food costs have gone up in Houston.

Fruits and vegetables have also gone up considerably, as evidenced by the chart below.

For solutions to inflation amid rising food prices, watch the video below.

About the Author

Keith is a member of Graham Media Group's Digital Content Team, which produces content for all the company's news websites.

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