Spanish Trail Riders honor longtime boss killed in tragic accident

HUMBLE, Texas – The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is almost here. Hundreds of trail riders are making their way into Houston Wednesday evening -- but this year, the Spanish Trail Riders are trotting along without their long time boss, 78-year-old Joe Cantrell, who was recently killed in a tragic accident.

Despite the devastating loss, the group is carrying on with tradition.

“This ride meant everything to him,” said Larry Cantrell, Joe’s son and the Asst. Trail Boss.

Cantrell said the Spanish Trail Riders are one big family and that his dad loved them all. Many in the group have been riding for 30 plus years.

“He took care of us for 42 years going up and down the roads,” Jim McGinnis said.

Larry Cantrell said he is trying to remember the good times.

“I know he’s here with us but its tough,” Cantrell said.

As a token of their respect and admiration for Joe, riders wore bandanas and badges with a line across it. What makes this road so hard is knowing how much Joe took care of everyone.

“We’re really going to miss him and this is what he lived for and we’re going to carry on,” Cassidy Mabe said.

This would have been Joe’s 50 year with the Spanish Trail Riders.

About the Author

Award-winning journalist, adventure seeker, explorer, dog lover.

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