Experts say parents should start healing process right away after children experience trauma like school shootings

Houston – What students at Yes Prep Southwest Secondary dealt with Friday morning was traumatic, and psychologists said discussions and some form of counseling should be happening already.

“Right now, the goal is for these parents to tell their children, ‘You are safe, you’re protected,’” said child psychologist Staci Passe.

Passe said an already tragic situation was made worse by the fact it happened heading into a weekend. She said routine and immediate counseling provided by the school would have been ideal.

RELATED: Family members identify 25-year-old former student accused of shooting at YES Prep Southwest

“For kids, right now, structure and routine are absolutely critical,” Passe said. “So, this is not a time for parents to allow their kids to stay up all night, or, you know, to go out and do things they traditionally wouldn’t.”

KPRC 2 reporter Keith Garvin asked what was the best step for parents to take after a situation like this.

“It’s okay for us to feel scared and overwhelmed and to express that to our children,” said Dr. Melanie Somerville, a licensed professional counselor.

She added that it’s helpful for parents to be transparent and let their children know how they felt about Friday’s ordeal. That honesty, she said, can open the line of communication with children.

“‘I’m here, whatever time of day or night. I’m here for you to talk to or if there’s somebody else that I can help you connect with,’” Somerville advised parents to say to their children.

Psychologists also said if your child is not willing to talk about a traumatic event right away, it’s important not to push. They advise parents to just let them know they can communicate whenever they are ready.

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Emmy Award-winning anchor, husband, dad, German Shepherd owner, Crossfitter, Game of Thrones junkie, chupacabra hunter.

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