Mother in hospital, who had emergency C-section while battling COVID-19, will go home to family before Thanksgiving

TEXAX CITY, Texas – The Gutierrez family says the Coronavirus tore their family apart, but it won’t keep them apart.

Crystal Gutierrez, who is currently at Clear Lake Regional Medical Center, is set to go home next week just before Thanksgiving.

She will still need round the clock care, but the family is grateful they will finally be together.

“We had to find a way to stay positive and remain with faith and that’s what got us through, our faith,” said Rafael Gutierrez, who is the father of their four little boys all under the age of seven.

He had to leave his job and stay home with them five months ago after his wife Crystal was hospitalized with the Coronavirus. At one point, doctors gave her a 15% chance of survival.

“I got down on my knees and said, ‘God, don’t do this, don’t do this,'" Rafael said.

Rafael and Crystal both tested positive for the virus back in June. Crystal, who was 36 weeks pregnant at the time, had to have an emergency C-section and then had to be put on life-support.

“It crushed me, it crushed me not knowing what was going to happen,” Rafael said.

Rafael recovered at home. Crystal underwent several surgeries and treatments and months later, she is still recovering. With months of rehab still ahead of her, now she’s learning to walk again.

“It’s very scary, now I’ve even started losing hair from it,” Crystal said.

She said being away from her newborn son, Matthew, was the hardest.

“I couldn’t hold him, once they got him out of me, they held him up for me to see then they took him. I didn’t get the bonding experience with him like I did with the other boys," Crystal said.

But five months later, newfound hope. Crystal is set to go home next week right before Thanksgiving. Rafael ready to take care of her.

Crystal said she is happy and excited to get back to her family.

But also wants to send a message about the Coronavirus.

“Please, please wear your masks, be careful with what you are doing and be safe. I wore a mask, we did online shopping but it still hit me and it hit me hard,” Crystal said.

She will still need to be in a wheelchair and will need daily care. Her medical bills have started piling up. There is a GoFundMe account set up to help the family. If you are interested in helping, click here.

About the Author

Award-winning journalist, proud immigrant, happy wife, beaming mom. Addicted to coffee. Love to laugh.

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