Residents express frustration after nearly 20 feral hogs have been caught in this Sugar Land community

SUGAR LAND – At least two traps have been set near a Sugar Land community that is having problems with feral hogs.

“There’s so many of them and they’re just very destructive,” said Jim Levermann, the president of the Commonwealth Civic Association.

He pointed to a grassy area off Burbury Street that was damaged in the last week.

“We thought they were doing some sort of work and then when we looked closer, you could tell there were hoof prints,” said homeowner Jessica Eskue, who lives nearby.

The hogs are looking for food and damaging property in the process, said Levermann. He is aware of at least two homeowners with damage.

“It seems like in the last year, they’ve been very persistent on coming back to us,” Levermann said.

Eskue said she has lived in the neighborhood for about ten years and had a run-in with a hog a few months ago while walking in the early morning.

“They’ve always been here but it’s never been this bad. They’re getting pretty bad right now,” she said.

The HOA said the two traps that were set by the city have lured a total of 17 hogs since July 19.

Levermann believes nearby development may be one of the factors leading the animals into his neighborhood. He is asking people to report any sightings or damage to Sugar Land Animal Services at 281-275-2364.

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