It's National Peanut Day

HOUSTON – It's National Peanut Day, a time to celebrate the snack that is very popular at baseball games.

Whether you eat them straight out of the shell or salted out of a can, there are many ways to enjoy this food.

And while it's called "peanut," did you know it's not even a nut? Peanuts are legumes and grow in the ground, not on trees like almonds.

Here are some fun peanut facts from the National Peanut Board:

  • Astronaut Alan Shepard brought a peanut with him to the moon. Read about making a PB&J on the International Space Station.
  • Former President Bill Clinton says one of his favorite sandwiches is peanut butter and banana; also reported to have been the favorite of Elvis “the King” Presley. 
  • Boiled peanuts are considered a delicacy in the peanut growing areas of the South. Freshly harvested peanuts are boiled in a brine until they are of a soft bean-like texture. 



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