Pearland earns designation as Film Friendly Texas community

Gov. Abbott announces news Friday


AUSTIN, Texas – The city of Pearland has been named a Film Friendly Texas community by the state's Film Commission, Gov. Greg Abbott announced Friday.

The city recently completed its multistep training and certification process, which led to the designation.

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Once a city is deemed a Film Friendly Texas community, that helps to grow local jobs and local economies by promoting the Lone Star State as the premier destination for film, television, commercial, animation, visual effects and video game production, according to a news release from Abbott.

“I congratulate the city of Pearland on earning the ... designation,” Abbott said. “Texas has much to offer, and through the Film Friendly Texas training and certification process, communities large and small are readied to help match local businesses with production-related needs, creating jobs for Texas-based crew members and local residents as well as spurring on-site spending at local small businesses. And I am proud of all that the Texas Film Commission has accomplished in helping communities like Pearland to grow their local economy."

The city joins more than 120 communities in the state that receive ongoing training and guidance from the Texas Film Commission on media industry standards, and how to effectively accommodate on-location filming activity, among other useful skills, officials said.

The Texas Film Commission in the Office of the Governor’s Economic Development and Tourism Division has attracted $1.39 billion in local spending -- and created more than 153,000 production jobs across the state in the past 10 years.

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