Friend helps young cancer patient's dancing dreams come true

THE WOODLANDS, Texas – A dance studio preparing for a performance of "The Nutcracker" and they've added a special star to this year's program.

Chelsea Everett, 10, of Shenandoah will get her first chance to dance -- making this a dream come true for this amazing cancer survivor.

The opportunity was orchestrated by Chelsea's best friend -- Jolie Bolton -- who dances at Boni's Dance and Performing Arts Studio in The Woodlands.

Chelsea has always wanted to be a dancer but after being diagnosed with a rare form of muscular cancer last year she had to put those plans on hold. Jolie shared the news of the performance with her best friend with a phone call.

"I called Chelsea after school and I said, 'I have a big surprise for you.' And she said, 'What?"
And I said, 'You're going to be in "The Nutcracker" with me," Jolie said.

Chelsea is excited about the opportunity and so is her mother Michele.

"What a blessing," says Michele. "I mean, that's really the only words I can think of that can come to mind. And an honor. It's a huge honor."

Chelsea has endured 11 weeks of radiation and 52 weeks of chemotherapy.

Aug. 11 was her last treatment. Doctors say there's a good chance the cancer could return but she and her mother are taking one day at a time -- and waiting to perform.

"We're going to thankful for every single day that we have," says Michele. "We're gonna dance. We're gonna do whatever makes us happy and whatever we can find to stay strong."

Chelsea will get to live out her dream of dance when she performs in "The Nutcracker" on Saturday.

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Emmy Award-winning anchor, husband, dad, German Shepherd owner, Crossfitter, Game of Thrones junkie, chupacabra hunter.

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