Students searched after classmate brings Xanax to campus

HOUSTON – Seventh- and eighth-grade students at the International Leadership of Texas Charter School told Channel 2 they had to get searched for drugs after a classmate brought Xanax on campus.

Another student reportedly took the pills and had to go to the hospital.

"The 8th-grade class is very small so everyone knows everyone and the information spread very quickly," Lynita Robinson, a parent, said.

Parents tell Channel 2 they were notified about the incident involving the Xanax that happened on Monday.

Parents said they were not notified about the drug search until two days later.

"They made us go outside the building and they brought the police dogs to check backpacks," student Chipueze Otiocha said.

Otiocha is a student at the school. His father said he has no problem with the drug search, and feels administrators are doing what they need to do.

But not all parents see it that way.

"I think they should have notified us before going through the kids' stuff," Sandra Losada said.

"I wasn't too happy about my child being searched without my knowledge," Robinson said.

In a letter to the parents, the superintendent said:

"IL Texas conducts random drug searches at all school facilities and these searches can be conducted without notice as permitted by law. This Wednesday morning, we conducted a random drug search using canines of the 7th and 8th grade hallway and classrooms."

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