Gun-wielding thieves seen on camera during auto shop break-in

HARRIS COUNTY, Texas – The thieves seen in surveillance video from a car-lot theft in northwest Harris County may have picked on the wrong person.

Three thieves carrying guns broke into the lot while a fourth waited outside.

Even though they disabled several cameras and tried to hide their identities, other cameras clearly show their faces.

One thief even jumps and tries to duck when he notices they're still being watched.

Out of fear, the owner of Mr. King and Mrs. Queens car dealership in northwest Harris County didn't want to be identified. But he showed us video from two weeks ago of the theft of three vehicles.

After stealing keys, the crooks drove one of the cars on the lot through a locked fence.

The owner decided to speak out after recovering one of the cars the thieves wrecked on Sunday night. He believes three of the four cars, which were all Mercedes vehicles, will be a total loss.

The fear is the thieves will move from stealing and damaging cars to hurting people.

"Thank God, nobody was here because, otherwise, these people came with a gun," said the owner. "If anybody at that time was in the building, he was or she was dead because, as you guys see in the video, they all have a gun and they all come inside the building."

The case is being investigated by the Harris County Sheriff's Office.

If anyone recognizes the individuals who can be clearly seen in the video, call the Sheriff's Office.

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Emmy Award-winning anchor, husband, dad, German Shepherd owner, Crossfitter, Game of Thrones junkie, chupacabra hunter.

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