New Super Bowl commercials bring the laughs

HOUSTON – It's not just the Super Bowl football fans are tuning in for every year. There's also the slew of commercials that range from touching to funny to flat-out clever.

This year, one of the most buzzed-about ad campaigns is from Esurance. For those who missed it, the commercial shows a kid waiting for his mother, when a van comes barreling into the picture. Behind the wheel is none other than Lindsay Lohan, who says she's "sorta" like the kid's mother.

The closing message is "insurance that's designed for you, not someone ‘sorta' like you."

Another popular one was the Fiat that played off of the ‘little blue pill' shtick. A man drops his Viagra-lookalike and it finds its way into a new Fiat, causing it to grow into a bigger, better-performing car.

Chevrolet netted a bunch of laughs with its commercial for the 2015 Colorado. In it, A Chevy representative shows women different photographs of the same guy—but changed was the vehicle behind him.

The representative asks "Which man is sexier?" Everyone in the room agreed that the guy in front of the Colorado was cooler and better looking.

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