Tropics Watch: Peak hurricane season means train of tropical waves

HOUSTON – Now that Tropical Storm Gordon is inland, we turn our attention to a train of tropical waves and storms that are moving west from Africa across the Atlantic Ocean. 

Hurricane Florence is a Category 3 hurricane in the central Atlantic that is projected to move west-northwest over the next few days and may be an issue for some of the Eastern U.S. coast late week. 

Behind Florence, two additional tropical waves are forecast to strengthen as they move off the coast of Africa by next week. While it is too early to identify their track, if they do become tropical systems, they will be named Helene, Isaac and Joyce. 

The peak of hurricane season is Sept. 10, so we are expecting to see more activity over the next few weeks in the Atlantic Basin. 

As always, the KPRC2 Severe Weather Team is tracking each new development as they come to make sure you and your family are safe. Now is the time to put your hurricane preparedness plan in place. 

If you want tips and ideas how or real-time tracking of any storms that develop, check out our Hurricane Headquarters here.

About the Author

Meteorologist, craft beer guru, dad to Maya and Ella and a sock and cheese addict.

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