VYPE 411: Brady Axtell of La Porte

VYPE 411: Brady Axtell of La Porte (Copyright (c) 2021 VYPE - All rights reserved)

Brady Axtell recently won the VYPE Houston Public School Boys XC Runner of the Year Fan Poll! VYPE caught up with for the 411 on the star from La Porte.


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VYPE: How did you get into running?

Axtell: I had started running when I was younger but didn’t really like it. So I had stopped for a couple years. But coming into high school the XC coach, Coach Johnson, asked me to come out and just give it a try. I ran my first race on Freshman and got moved up to varsity and it has just continued from there.

VYPE: Who’s your favorite athlete and why?

Axtell: At the moment I do not have a favorite athlete, but there are multiple people that I do enjoy seeing. People such as Steph Curry, Cole Hocker, Kipchoge and their constant drive to be better. One person that I have learned to respect and enjoy racing would be Cooper Teare, where at the XC Nationals race, the drive to finish even though the struggle was evident made me enjoy watching and respect him even more.

VYPE: What’s your pre-run meal? Routine?

Axtell: Before the races, the main meal would probably be a spaghetti dinner with lasagna. We would usually do this as a team the night before a race was the usual routine. Night before I usually make sure I lay all my clothes out and make sure that what I am planning on wearing during the next race day is ready to be worn.

VYPE: What is your favorite thing to do outside of running

Axtell: Outside of running I enjoy spending time with family and friends, but I also play basketball during the summer and with the school.

VYPE: Favorite subject in school?

Axtell: My favorite subject in school right now would have to be English. It has become easier to comprehend and a class that I am doing fairly well in. But also pre cal, although it is extremely difficult, it is a fun class and have people around me to help me.

VYPE: What are you watching on Netflix?

Axtell: I don’t watch much on Netflix, but my favorite show of all time on their is The Flash. Even though the past couple seasons have been mid.

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