Second Baptist School Magazine: Golden Eagle, Grant Wilson

Second Baptist School Magazine: Golden Eagle, Grant Wilson (Copyright (c) 2021 VYPE - All rights reserved)


Since his freshman year, the Second Baptist School senior has balanced running cross country, playing basketball, and running track in the spring. That's 12 letters he has earned in his high school career.

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In May, Wilson was named the male winner of the 2021 Golden Eagle Award, which is a top honor given to a senior male and female athlete.

Get to know Wilson better in this VYPE Q&A.

VYPE: What has it been like being at a place that really embraces the multi-sport athlete?

WILSON: Honestly, I couldn't imagine myself playing these three sports anywhere else. The Christ-centered values that Second Baptist School continually pours into the student-athletes is simply unmatched. The team building and bonding experiences I've had are exceptional, and I truly would not be who I am today without the love from my coaches and team. After each sports season ended, I was sad, but I was also looking forward to the next sport and the next challenge ahead.

VYPE: What has been your biggest challenge being a triple-sport star, and what has been your biggest success?

WILSON: My biggest challenge was last year in basketball when our team was young and struggling to win games. I was tempted to quit, but I didn't because I knew I was important to the team's chemistry and overall success that we were able to have this year. My biggest success, however, was being able to bring down my 5K time over two minutes from freshman year to senior year.

VYPE: What would be your advice to Second Baptist School freshmen or incoming students?

WILSON: I'd tell them exactly what I have been told throughout high school, which is to cherish each moment, in class and with fellow classmates because time flies so quickly. I can still remember my first day of freshman year, and everyone was so much bigger and smarter than me. It's crazy to know that in four short years I've grown so much physically, spiritually, and mentally. I'd tell them to stay focused in class and to make goals for themselves for them to accomplish in the future.

Athletic Director Mike Walker describes why Grant Wilson was chosen for this year's Golden Eagle Award, saying, "Coaches took notice of not only his overall contributions to three SBS Athletic Programs, but also for his work ethic, character and ability to raise the level of those around him. He certainly has collected some accolades along the way, competing at the state level in three different sports." He continues to describe Grant's character, saying he is a leader at SBS, starting up the African American History and Culture Club. Overall, says Walker, "Grant is a competitor. He showed up every day with great effort and enthusiasm. He put in the extra work and is deserving of this honor."



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