VYPE 411: Gabriel Larry, Manvel

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Gabriel Larry recently won the VYPE Houston Player of the Week Fan Poll. VYPE caught up with Larry for the 411 on the star from Manvel.

VYPE: Who has been your biggest influence in your sporting life? And Why?

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Larry: I would say the biggest influences in my sporting life are my older brother and younger sister. I say them because they always push me to go harder when things get tougher and they are always there to correct my mistakes and acknowledge the good things I do.

VYPE: Go-to pregame meal? Routine?

Larry: I don't have a certain go-to pre game meal, I just eat the pre game food that the whole team eats every week.

VYPE: Off the field, what is your favorite thing to do?

Larry: Off the field I like to get some extra work in as well as working on basketball and baseball to stay ready whenever it's time for that season.

VYPE: What has been your greatest high school memory so far?


My best high school memory is being able to experience the different type of atmospheres in the playoffs for the three sports I play. (Football, Basketball, & Baseball)

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