12-year-old boy reportedly graduates from high school, college in same year

Graduation cap and diploma (Pixabay)

Taking advantage of spare time during the pandemic, Mike Wimmer of Salisbury, North Carolina was able to complete high school and earn a college degree in just one year, Fox 10 reports.

He’s only 12 years old.

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Mike Wimmer is just 12 years old, but he's already set to graduate from college with a perfect GPA, all while finishing high school at the top of his class.

Posted by KCEN TV on Thursday, April 22, 2021

“With COVID, of course being locked in, I figured out, hey, might as well take some more classes, right? So I actually did four years of school in one (year),” Mike said according to Fox 10. “I just did it at a much faster pace. I did my junior and senior year of high school along with my first two years of college for my associate’s degree at the same time. Using dual enrollment classes at both places also. It was kind of a, hey, if I take a few more classes I can get an associate’s degree. Why not?”

Mike will graduate as high school valedictorian with a 5.45 GPA and will also earn his associate’s degree with a 4.0 GPA in May, when he graduates from community college.

What comes next?

Having earned his associate’s degree, Mike has the option to transfer and continue his higher education or start working, Fox 10 reports.

“I’ve applied to many different colleges and that’s an option. I’ve applied for a Thiel fellowship where instead of going to school, I get $100,000 for two years to grow my start-up company instead. So that’s an option. I’ve had many job offers in and out of the country, some even with equity stakes. So do I transfer, do I not transfer, what do I do? There’s a lot of options on the table for sure,” Mike said.

According to Fox 10, Mike is already running two startup companies, Next Era Innovations and Reflect Social, which are aimed at helping make people’s lives easier through robotics and advanced technologies.

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