Family searching for answers to find loved one stranded after music festival in Israel

The acts of violence carried out by Hamas terrorists at a music festival in Israel over the weekend have left many families across the world searching for loved ones.

Marna Meyer, an employee at the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston told KPRC 2′s Bill Barajas that her son-in-law’s first cousin, Ben Uri, 30, was at the open-air festival when rockets rained down and gunfire erupted.

“He is very comical, I believe wonderful, wonderful person,” Meyer said.

Uri hasn’t been seen or heard from since.

“They don’t know whether he was kidnapped, and they don’t know whether he’s lying there with one of the dead bodies,” said Meyer.

Uri’s Family in Israel, as well as his extended family here in Houston, are desperate for answers.

“They know for sure he was there, they found the hiding place that he was hiding for sure, and they found his phone,” Meyer said.

Meyer said her family will continue to pray for Uri’s safe return while also keeping the people of Israel in their thoughts.

“I travel to Israel at least twice a year, I lived in Israel for two and a half years so we just have a very big connection to family and friends and loved ones there and this is just very tragic,” Meyer said.

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Reporter, proud Houstonian, U of H alumni, and lover of all the hometown sport teams.

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