Lightning-fast, active shooter alert system for schools expected to help authorities find shooter almost immediately

HOUSTON – When gunfire breaks out on any school campus, we all know the most important thing is to get armed officers and first responders to the exact spot where that shooter is located as quickly as possible.

With every moment that goes by, more children are at risk of being in grave danger.

In fact, a report from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement states, the number of people killed is directly determined by how quickly the police or other armed response arrives.

Now, AT&T engineers have developed an “instant notification system” where teachers, administrators, school security officers, the police, and other emergency services can all be notified immediately of an active shooter situation.

According to AT&T Asst. Vice President Matt Walsh, the very second a teacher hits the panic button, which they can wear around their neck, the alert goes out instantaneously.

But this system can do a lot more than just announce that a shooter is on campus.

Using Next-Gen 911, it can send text messages, maps, and the exact location, the floor, and the room where the shooter is located.

It can, if programmed, also close and lock all classroom doors, send live video and surveillance pictures of the shooting scene to law enforcement, and alert everyone on campus there is a life-threatening situation and where it’s occurring.

The whole idea is to alert everyone, to protect everyone and hopefully save as many lives as possible.

About the Author

Emmy-winning investigative reporter, insanely competitive tennis player, skier, weightlifter, crazy rock & roll drummer (John Bonham is my hero). Husband to Veronica and loving cat father to Bella and Meemo.

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