Doorbell camera captures sweet surprise from trick-or-treater dressed as taco in NW Harris County

Doorbell surveillance video usually captures the bad and the unbelievable, but a Ring camera in Northwest Harris County captured a special surprise on Halloween night.

“We weren’t able to be here so we just left the bucket outside with candy for the kids,” homeowner Billy Martinez said.

He and his wife kept an eye on their front porch through the camera app as trick-or-treaters worked their street in the 11300 block of Harvest Dales Avenue.

“We noticed one kid come and kind of just grab the candy, like, ‘haha, we pranked you,’” Martinez said.

But the sour snatch quickly turned sweet when the camera captured a good deed from the kid in the same group, dressed as a taco on Tuesday.

“He actually picks up the candy jar, puts it down, picks up candy out of his pocket, puts it into the jar,” Martinez said.

With so much going on in the world, Martinez said they were shocked to see the kid do something good.

They posted the video on Twitter and Nextdoor and still don’t know who the kid is, but gave kudos to the parents for teaching the kid to do the right thing.

“Thank you for doing that. Continue to do good, and taco for president,” Martinez said while laughing.

About the Author

Bryce Newberry joined KPRC 2 in July 2022. He loves the thrill of breaking news and digging deep on a story that gets people talking.

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