Closing arguments set to begin in trial for man accused in 7-year-old girl’s shooting death, DA’s office says

Houston – The Harris County District Attorney’s Office said closing arguments are expected to begin on Friday morning in the trial of Larry Woodruffe.

Woodruffe is charged with capital murder in the death of Jazmine Barnes, 7.

Investigators said the girl was shot in 2018 while riding in the car with her mother and sisters. Her mother testified in court this week.

Eric Black Jr. was also charged with capital murder in the girl’s death and took the stand.

Black said he was the driver, Woodruffe the shooter, and that they thought the vehicle Barnes and her family were in belonged to someone else.

But Woodruffe’s attorney cast doubt on Black’s testimony and said during opening statements that the sheriff’s office was under “pressure” to bring answers to the case.

Prosecutors said in exchange for Black’s testimony, they capped sentencing for his charge at 35 years instead of 99.

Woodruffe has pleaded not guilty and denies involvement in the shooting.

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