Residents in northeast Harris Co. neighborhood concerned after mysterious woman caught on camera running, hiding from someone

HOUSTON – Residents in the Liberty Lakes subdivision woke up on Wednesday to find their surveillance cameras picked up video of a woman running through their neighborhood at 5 a.m.

“I don’t know if she was running from someone or someone was chasing her or she was on drugs. I just don’t know,” said resident Daisy Gold.

Gold has lived in the neighborhood for several years and said the videos were shared through a neighborhood watch app.

“It’s kind of scary. That’s close to home. That’s just a street over from my house and I’ve been checking my cameras to see if there were any movements going on around my house,” Gold said.

KPRC 2 spoke to several residents off camera who said the woman never appeared to be looking to commit a crime, but there were several different opinions on what the woman may have been going through.

One resident said their sister spoke to the woman who was hiding in some bushes at the time and claims she told her she was hiding from her boyfriend.

“I don’t want to judge anyone, that’s not for us to judge because we don’t know what she’s going through,” said Gold.

Residents did tell us that the Harris County Sheriff’s Office responded and attempted to locate the woman, but was unable to find her.

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Reporter, proud Houstonian, U of H alumni, and lover of all the hometown sport teams.

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