VIDEO: Police searching for woman who’s accused of vandalizing several homes in Garden Oaks

GARDEN OAKS – Garden Oaks residents are hoping surveillance video will lead to the identification and arrest of a woman who went on a theft and vandalism rampage over the weekend.

According to Houston police, home security recordings from several houses show a woman committing the crimes from midnight to 3 a.m. on Saturday.

Mandy Larsen woke up Saturday morning to find items from her husband’s truck in the driveway.

“That’s when we realized someone had broken into our cars and stole some of our belongings,” Larsen said.

Surveillance video shows a barefoot woman walking onto Larsen’s porch at 2:30 a.m. The woman rifles through the mailbox, grabbing several pieces of mail and a package from the porch, and a basket of toys.

The woman left with the items and later returned and started writing on the porch with a piece of chalk.

“There was a message on our porch that said ‘I love you,’” Larsen said.

Another video showed the woman trying to break the driver’s side mirror on the family truck, then using chalk to vandalize the vehicle, even appearing to put the chalk into the gas tank.

“We were just baffled. We couldn’t even believe it,” Larsen said.

Doorbell cameras from other homes captured the woman ripping apart flowerpots and slashing tires.

“Just doing really crazy strange things,” Larsen said.

If you recognize the woman, contact Houston police.

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