Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo responds Texas GOP’s voting bill

HOUSTON – Harris County Linda Hidalgo addressed the Texas GOP’s voting bill Friday afternoon during a press conference.

The voting bill was passed key House vote at 3 a.m. Friday.

Hidalgo has denounced the voting bill in the past, saying there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

The judge released the following statement:

“The tentatively approved voter suppression law is built on a pernicious lie, a lie that corrodes our American democracy from within by pushing the falsehood that widespread voter fraud exists in Texas. Each time this lie is told, each time policies are passed based on this lie, our democracy is weakened.

“I want to acknowledge the lawmakers that fought all night, and made some headway, to temper some of the most dangerous provisions in this bill.

“Most importantly, the passage of this bill has once again made it mainstream in Texas for laws to be written that make voting more difficult. This is a dangerous path for Texas to travel.”

During the press conference, Hidalgo said the bill was based on a lie surrounding voter fraud in Texas, also stating that democracy is being weakened.

She said the fight is not over yet and that the pressure needs to continue. Hidalgo said local corporations and business owners should continue to push back.

“It’s very clear these bills are targeting Harris County ... minorities ... and urban areas,” Hidalgo said.

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Award-winning journalist, mother, YouTuber, social media guru, millennial, mentor, storyteller, University of Houston alumna and Houston-native.

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