Snow day in Texas: Huntsville residents wake up to landscape dressed in white

HUNTSVILLE, Texas – As we cruised around Huntsville late Monday morning, no snow was falling from the sky, but much of the area was covered in white powder. Two words came to mind: snow day.

The white glow warmed some hearts, like Fernando Alvarez, who “had to come out before the snow melted, you know to get the experience.”

Others were less enthusiastic.

“I actually hate the cold,” said Joe Morales. However, he stuck it out for the sake of flying his drone at Eastham Thomason Park.

Morales wanted to film a Huntsville landscape dressed in white.

“It’s just a rare sight, where you get to see the snow,” said Morales.

He was one of only a few people we saw in the park today. “(I’m) just flying around and having some fun,” said Morales. It seemed most people had their fun Sunday night as the snow was falling.

However, whether you came out Monday or made your snowman Sunday night, this snow day will long be remembered.

“It’s nice to come out and see it,” said Morales

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