Special Veterans Day for graduates of Harris County Veterans' Court program

HOUSTON – It was a very special Veterans Day for the newest graduates of Harris County’s Veterans' Court program.

They were celebrated with a socially-distant drive-by parade Wednesday afternoon in downtown Houston. Graduates were handed a coin, commemorating Veterans' Court, a certificate and an American Flag.

The program diverts veterans who end up in the criminal justice system directly to treatment for mental health issues and addiction.

“Sometimes people come back and they’re still dealing with symptoms of PTSD, traumatic brain injuries and other symptoms and they’re not treated properly,” said Erica Hughes, a Harris County criminal court judge.

Hughes presides over Veterans' Court and is a veteran herself.

“We want to let veterans know today that you’re not overlooked, we still on remember you were still here to serve you and we want to help you get connected to the community,” she said.

U.S. Marine Corps Veteran Ronald Martin said the program helped him in his battle with alcohol and depression.

“Instead of it controlling my life, I now have control over my life,” Martin said.

You can learn more about the Harris County Veterans' court here.

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