Faith-based organizations switch gears to help underprivileged families this Christmas

HOUSTON – Angels of Light is a huge Christmastime ministry conducted by Houston’s Second Baptist Church for 31 years.

Every year, several thousand underprivileged families, known as angels, are transported to the church’s six Houston-area campuses to receive clothes, food for holiday meals, and Christmas presents. But because of COVID-19, the church will be going to the angels this year.

“(For) these kids, a little bit means everything to them,” said senior pastor Dr. Ed Young.

Young said the toy and food donations already are piling up, ready for loading inside semi-trailers at the church’s Woodway campus. They will deliver everything to partner organizations so they can distribute it to the families.

“We got all the containers out here,” said Young. “We can’t bring them in as we have before. So we’ve lined up with all the agencies, all the entities that are there all over Houston.”

Second Baptist is an example of many churches and faith-based organizations forced to change how they reach families this holiday season. One of those entities is The FORGE for Families in Third Ward.

Executive director Dana Thomas said COVID-19 has radically affected and reduced the number of families they serve. Some families find themselves in greater need than ever.

“There are a lot of people hurting. There are a lot of folks that we serve that got laid off,” Thomas said. “They’re facing all the economic hardships. They still want their kids to feel special just like everybody else.”

To help support families in need this holiday season, reach out to Second Baptist Church at and The FORGE for Families at

About the Author

Emmy Award-winning anchor, husband, dad, German Shepherd owner, Crossfitter, Game of Thrones junkie, chupacabra hunter.

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