Parents file motion to stop Texas Children’s Hospital from removing child from life support

HOUSTON – Right now, a child’s life hangs in the balance as court procedures are underway. Texas Children’s hospital planned to take a 10-month-old baby boy off life support until an emergency motion was filed, according to the family’s attorney, Kevin Acevedo.

According to Acevedo, a parent was giving the 10-month-old Nick a bath on Sept. 24 when they left to get a towel. When they returned, Nick was unresponsive and unconscious.

Court documents show the boy was taken to Texas Children’s Hospital where medical staff informed the boy’s parents that nothing could be done and the 10-month-old was to be taken off life support. However, Nick’s family claims the boy’s organs are working fine and they’re praying for a miracle, according to the documents.

Wednesday morning and into the afternoon attorney’s representing Nick’s family and Texas Children’s Hospital argued their side of the situation to a judge. Acevedo claims the hospital is breaking the law by not having an independent ethical committee review the case before taking the child off life support.

Nick’s family is also seeking $1 million dollars in monetary relief.

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