These are the activities that could put you at highest risk of contracting COVID-19, group finds

People queue outside a Barber shop as it opens for the first time after the COVID-19 lockdown in London, Saturday, July 4, 2020. England is embarking on perhaps its biggest lockdown easing yet as pubs and restaurants have the right to reopen for the first time in more than three months. In addition to the reopening of much of the hospitality sector, couples can tie the knot once again, while many of those who have had enough of their lockdown hair can finally get a trim. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) (Frank Augstein, Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

HOUSTON – If you’ve wondered what activities could put you at risk of contracting COVID-19, the Texas Medical Association has a chart with its rankings explaining which behaviors have low, moderate and high risk.

The rankings are based on TMA physicians and its Committee on Infectious Diseases’ findings. TMA is the nation’s largest state medical society, according to its website. The rankings are based on findings by the organization’s coronavirus task force and its Committee on Infectious Diseases.

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These are the low-risk activities:

  • Opening the mail
  • Getting restaurant takeout
  • Pumping gasoline
  • Playing tennis
  • Going camping

These are the moderate-low activities:

  • Grocery shopping
  • Going for a walk, run or bike ride with others
  • Playing golf
  • Staying at a hotel for two nights
  • Sitting in a doctor’s waiting room
  • Going to a library or museum
  • Eating at a restaurant (outside)
  • Walking in a busy downtown
  • Spending an hour at a playground

These are the moderate risk activities:

  • Having dinner at someone else’s house
  • Attending a backyard barbecue
  • Going to a beach
  • Shopping at a mall
  • Sending kids to school, camp or day care
  • Working a week in an office building
  • Swimming in a public pool
  • Visiting an elderly relative or friend in their home
  • These are moderate-high risk:
  • Going to a hair salon or barbershop
  • Eating inside at a restaurant
  • Attending a wedding or a funeral
  • Traveling by plane
  • Playing basketball
  • Playing football
  • Hugging or shaking hands when greeting a friend

These are the high-risk activities:

  • Eating at a buffet
  • Working out at a gym
  • Going to an amusement park
  • Going to a movie theater
  • Attending a large music concert
  • Going to a sports stadium
  • Attending a religious service with 500+ worshipers
  • Going to a bar

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