How has COVID-19 impacted your life? Here’s how to take the mayor’s survey to share your experience

A nurse on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic waits in line to attend the public viewing of George Floyd on June 8, 2020. (Twitter: @hjrocha94)

HOUSTON – How has the coronavirus impacted your life?

That’s what Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner is asking in a 10-minute survey to be completed by Saturday, June 27.

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Responses to this survey, which are anonymous, will provide the City of Houston with information regarding the ways the coronavirus pandemic has impacted residents’ lives.

The survey can be accessed here. It is also available in Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Arabic.

The survey is conducted by the Mayor’s Health Equity Response (H.E.R.) Initiative and Task Force. The H.E.R. Initiative and Task Force, launched in April 2020, is a component of the City of Houston’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Effort, especially for vulnerable and at-risk populations.

“I started the H.E.R. Task Force to push more resources into the Houston neighborhoods that are most at-risk for community spread of the COVID-19 disease,” Turner is quoted saying in a news release. “The Task Force is committed to its mission and is working with the Mayor’s Office and the Houston Health Department to identify rapid responses the City can take to support its most vulnerable residents’ health and well-being. Please help this group of community leaders do their job by completing the survey.”

A news release says the H.E.R. Task Force is “working to address health inequities and access by accelerating the data-driven, targeted and rapid response for residents in 22 priority Super Neighborhoods, which include Acres Home, Denver Harbor, Eastex-Jensen, Fifth Ward, Gulfton, Independence Heights, Kashmere Gardens, Sunnyside and Third Ward. Chief Response and Recovery Officer Marvin Odum leads the City’s coordinated response to the public health crisis and economic downturn exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.”

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