6 answers to your key coronavirus questions you asked KPRC 2 health reporter Haley Hernandez

Haley Hernandez

We answered questions on Tuesday morning on our Facebook Live about a variety of coronavirus-themed topics. Here are some of the questions we answered.

If you are asymptomatic, how long are you a carrier?

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We know it is possible to have the virus before you feel symptoms.

The WHO comes across as skeptical of people who say they never have symptoms. WHO says you are mostly asymptomatic in the beginning but it’s likely you will eventually see some symptoms.

Of the people they studied, most of the time, people did have some sort of symptom but they “didn’t think it counted,” because they didn’t feel bad enough to stop doing normal activities.

It might be minor, like headaches and sore throat, but the WHO says now is the time to be aware of every symptom of COVID 19. They say it is rare for someone to have zero symptoms throughout the entire course of the virus.

How long are you a carrier?

The WHO says the two week window is a good one to abide by.

Five to 14 days is the average length of time someone has the virus.

Where can you get a test?

If you or every family member ever get sick you can put your zip code into this website and schedule a test near you: txcovidtest.org

Is tightness in chest a symptom of coronavirus?

Yes. At the point where you feel tightness and you are short of breathing, definitely see a doctor. Do not ignore these symptoms.

For mild symptoms: dry cough, headache, body aches, fatigue, doctors say you can self quarantine at home for 14 days. If it becomes hard to breathe, go to the hospital.

Are rashes a complication of coronavirus?

A rash can be a rare symptom of coronavirus. One pediatrician in Dallas has a theory that this happens more frequently in children.

Doctors also advise parents to be aware of this symptom because children are known to have a rare complication where the virus causes inflammation and damage to their heart and other organs. Doctors tell parents to look for these symptoms: fever with a rash on the back, chest or abdomen, red eyes and abdominal pain.

Are testing locations allowing asymptomatic patients to get a test?

It depends. Some are and some are not. Check before you go.

Ask 2: KPRC2 Haley Hernandez answers questions about being asymptomatic with #COVID19

Posted by KPRC2 / Click2Houston on Tuesday, May 5, 2020

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