As Seen on TV Tuesday: Tornado Bottle

HOUSTON – Protein shakes, cocktails and even baby formula. The makers of the Tornado Bottle claim it can mix them all and leave you with less mess in the kitchen. So, consumer expert Amy Davis took it home and tried it out for As Seen on TV Tuesday.

Davis bought a Tornado bottle for $11.99 at Fry's electronics. The bottom of packaging said, "Wow! Makes perfect pancake batter and super scrambled eggs." She cracked two eggs, added milk, cheese, and salt and pepper. 

Instead of a tornado, the bottle gave what might be described as a mild breeze. It runs off of two AAA batteries and a small plastic agitator makes the action.

The little piece of plastic in bottle is about as strong as a dental pick and didn't seem to have much power. But the Tornado Bottle did the trick. Though the cheese stayed on the bottom, it appeared to mix. 

Next, Davis made chocolate milk. The tornado had more force with the milk than it did with the eggs. The result was a success.

Cleanup was easy.  Just rinse the cup, add some soap and you're ready to go again. 

 Davis said the Tornado Bottle gets her stamp of approval. 

About the Author

Passionate consumer advocate, mom of 3, addicted to coffee, hairspray and pastries.

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