Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw refuses pay during partial government shutdown

Dan Crenshaw, as seen in this Facebook profile photo, as collected on Jan. 14, 2019. (Dan Crenshaw/Facebook)

HOUSTON – Republican Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw is refusing to take his pay during the partial government shutdown.

 “I cannot in good conscience get paid while federal employees’ financial futures hang in the balance because of this partial government shutdown,” Crenshaw wrote on Facebook. “I’ve asked the Chief Administrative Officer to withhold my pay until we have come to an agreement to adequately fund border security.” 

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I cannot in good conscience get paid while federal employees’ financial futures hang in the balance because of this...

Posted by Dan Crenshaw on Sunday, January 13, 2019

The post, accompanied by two photos – one of Crenshaw behind his desk and another of the signed letter -- has been shared more than 1,600 times, and been liked by more than 6,000.

Crenshaw is among more than 70 members of Congress who have declined pay amid the partial government shutdown.

See a full list of the members of Congress who have declined pay here.




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