🍴 Champ Burgers serving up classic American burgers for 60 years πŸ” πŸ”

In this next β€˜Eat Like a Local’ summer series, Chris Shepherd takes us inside Champ Burger. (KPRC/Click2Houston.com)

HOUSTON – Restaurants come and go.

New burger places pop up here and there.

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But one burger joint is a staple in the city and a reminder of the good old childhood days.

In this next β€˜Eat Like a Local’ summer series, Chris Shepherd takes us inside Champ Burger. They have been around for sixty years serving the community with their freshest classic burgers, chili dogs, and a chicken fried steak burger.

Located in the same spot in East Downtown, customers find it comforting to eat their old-school burger, like what your grandparents would make you in their backyard.

Find the secrets to their success as Shepherd takes us inside Champ Burger in the video above.


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Meet the man who brought New York-inspired chopped cheese-style burgers to Houston

About the Authors

Petite powerhouse with a love for TV, especially sci-fi and drama. Proud aunt to two nieces and one nephew. Favorite quote: β€œNot all those who wander are lost.” Embracing life’s adventures, one episode at a time.

Field producer by day. Cruise director by night to a busy, foodie, outdoorsy family, which includes two sports loving boys and one craft beer loving husband.

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