Beware of the nasal tanning spray trend going viral on TikTok

HOUSTON – Parents you may not be aware of this, but tanning nasal sprays are now a thing on TikTok with beauty influencers claiming it gives them a golden tan.

And before your teen or college-age kid jumps on the latest tanning trend going viral on TikTok, Dr. Sherry Ingraham, a local dermatologist with Advanced Dermatologist, weighs in on the dangers of this controversial fad and offers other ways to get a bronze look.

“The trend of people shooting spray tan up their nose is just the latest in a long line of so-called TikTok challenges that have caused controversy, and often, injury,” said Dr. Ingraham, who instead recommends using topical products that have DHA, the main ingredient in self-tanning products sold over the counters.

However, Ingraham stresses that people still need to use sunscreen.

“There’s no such thing as a safe tan, and self-tanning products offer no protection from dangerous ultraviolet rays,” she said.

To see Ingraham’s favorite tanning alternatives, watch her complete interview above.

To connect with Ingraham, click here.

About the Author

Beatriz is a producer for Houston life. She’s a dog mom who enjoys traveling and eating her way through new cities and cultures.

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