A look inside Run Fido Run, Houston’s first mobile dog gym

HOUSTON – We all know that Houston can get extremely hot and humid, and if you have a pet - it’s even worse for them when they go outside.

That’s why Run Fido Run, Houston’s first mobile dog gym, was born.

Founder Michael Kaminsky came up with the idea of the climate-controlled gym, and had it equipped with safe, dog-powered treadmills -- specifically made for dogs.

Not only will your dog get to work out at their own pace, but they get to do it in a safe, cool environment where the risk of heatstroke is greatly reduced.

With Run Fido Run, over 10% is donated to various rescues and shelters.

They also run dogs at Houston Pets Alive to ease their anxiety, and to get them out of their kennel for some real exercise other than short walks.

Watch as Lauren Kelly gets a peek inside this creative mobile dog gym.

About the Author

Texas girl, favorite aunt, lucky wife, dog mom, Diet Coke connoisseur.

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