Houston Newsmakers: The cruel tragedy of the Sugar Land 95

Ft. Bend Superintendent vows to keep history alive

The convict leasing program in the late 1800′s was a way for the state of Texas to get around the prohibition of slavery. Black men and women were arrested, jailed and forced to work off their sentences and in many cases died before they could be released. The Sugar Land 95, as they have come to be known represent 94 men and one woman found in unmarked graves as a Fort Bend ISD School was under construction. Their remains have now been marked and observed as part of the Bullhead Camp Cemetery now on the grounds of the James Reese Career and Technical Center. Fort Bend ISD Superintendent Charles E. Dupre, Ed.D is guest on this week’s program and talks about the personal pain he felt when the bodies were discovered and what the district is doing to make sure they and their suffering will not be forgotten.

Recovering from Arctic Blast electricity problems

Thousands were without power in the wake of the recent Arctic blast. The power grid is back in action, but several small or underfunded power companies may not make it. KPRC Consumer Expert Amy Davis is a guest on this week’s Houston Newsmakers with Khambrel Marshall and offers advice on all things dealing with your electricity. That includes what to do if your power company goes belly up.

“They won’t cut off your electricity if your power provider goes out of business,” she said. “They’ll switch you to the provider of last resort. That is a company that has volunteered to take on all of the customers of companies that have gone out of business and right now the only provider of last resort that has volunteered to do that in our area is Reliant.” See everything you’ll need to know about your electricity and how to find the best rates. To find the right power company for you. Amy suggests that you go to the website www.powertochoose.org which is the website of the Public Utility Commission of Texas.

Harris County Attorney to investigate ERCOT

The failure of the state’s power grid has spurred investigations into what went wrong. State representatives and senators have vowed to make sure it won’t happen again. Harris County Attorney Christian D. Menefee says his office will also investigate. “Harris County is the 3rd most populous county in the country, more populous than 25 States,” he said. “I believe our local government should be insuring that any investigation looks after the best interests of the people who live here so that’s why we’re conducting an investigation at the Harris County attorney’s office.” Menefee is a guest on this week’s Houston Newsmakers and says the county may also be looking at ways to possibly leave the ERCOT power grid in search of something more reliable.

More Information:

Amy Davis, Consumer Expert, KPRC Investigates

· Website: https://www.click2houston.com/team/WTV6ZOJ6QFFHNMAN2A6FCSBH7E/

· Website: www.powertochoose.org

· Twitter: @KPRC2AmyDavis

Christian D. Menefee, (D) Harris County Attorney

· Website: https://www.harriscountycao.org/county-attorney-christian-d-menefee

· Twitter: @HarrisCountyAO

Charles E. Dupre, Ed.D., Fort Bend ISD Superintendent

· Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/1008

· Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/sugarland95

· Twitter: @FortBendISD

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