How to keep your kids safe on Halloween

What to teach your kids to ensure they have a safe Halloween

HOUSTON – Halloween is fun for kids, but it can be stressful for parents due to safety concerns, like the road, or strangers. The dilemma for many parents resides in deciding when is a good age to let kids go trick-or-treating alone. For others, it's all about the costumes and masks.

Executive director of Crime Stoppers Houston Rania Mankarious stopped by our studio to address those matters and shared Halloween safety tips with us.

“Kids are excited to just go out and run out. For some reason they’re think the rules don’t apply that night, but they really do. And just because you are trick-or-treating doesn't mean that everyone on the road is thinking about Halloween or even cares about Halloween. So you've got to have those important conversations with your kids,” said Mankarious.

Mankarious shared about tripping hazards and how adults should take precautions at their own home for others' trick-or-treaters. “Yes, it’s a fun night, but they've got to be careful about what they are doing, what they are drinking and what they are looking at.”

See the full clip above.


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