Recent deaths linked to new synthetic drug called 'Pink'

KPNX – A dangerous new synthetic drug known as "Pink" or "Pinky" has been linked to at least four recent deaths in Arizona, according to a report by KPNX.

The Drug Enforcement Agency in Phoenix said users could overdose from exposure simply by touching the synthetic opioid.

"Pink is seven times stronger than morphine," said Doug Coleman, special agent in charge of the DEA in Phoenix.

He said Pink, also known as U-47700, or U-4 for short, is a growing concern.

"It kind of ties in with the entire prescription drug abuse issue that we have, and the increased opioid addiction," he said.

"Addicts are seeking and pursing a better high. The market is being flooded with new drugs to meet that demand," said Erica Curry of the DEA.

She said heroin and oxycodone aren't enough for many addicts, so they're turning to Pink.

"If you touch it, it dissolves and enters your skin into your bloodstream," said Coleman.

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