Cold critters find warmth in homes

HOUSTON – Critters are looking to find shelter from the cold, and they are doing it inside Houstonians' homes.

Brent Cornelius with ABC Home and Commercial is a busy man, setting, trapping and removing unwanted house guests. Rodents and other critters are coming into people's homes to find a warm place in our chilly weather.

ABC Home and Commercial officials said they are getting 30 to 50 calls a day for animal removal.
Experts said keeping critters out of your home is all about prevention.

"Caulking, expandable foam and copper meshing are all ways to keep them out," said Norman Nelms, ABC Home and Commercial vice president. "You want to make sure they can't get through it or have a hard time getting through it."

Experts also advise homeowners to trim their trees, especially ones against their homes. Trees can be an easy way for critters to climb on and into your home.

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