Houston's French community reacts to deadly terrorist attack in Paris

HOUSTON – Restauranteur Jacques Fox is a Houstonian at heart, but was born and raised in France. When he turned on the television Wednesday morning, his heart just sank.

"I found out this big tragedy, what's happened in France. It's terrible," Fox said.

Fox, the chef and owner of Artisans in Midtown, is not Parisian, but lived there for 12 years and is very familiar with Charlie Hebdo, the French weekly newspaper targeted by terrorists. It is known for making satirical attacks on political and religious figures.

"I was reading Charlie Hebdo. It was kind of a fun, animated magazine, depending on how you see it. I see it as fun, so I don't understand why it was targeted. They're afraid all the newspapers will be targeted as well," Fox said. 

With 12 dead and close to a dozen others injured, the attack is the deadliest France has seen in at least two decades and its drawing international criticism, including reaction from the White House.

"Freedom of expression is something that can't be silenced because of the senseless violence," President Barack Obama said.

While it was centered in Paris, Fox says fear seems to have spread to other French cities, according to family members he's talked to.

"They're afraid to go anywhere in the city. They're checking to see what's going to happen next," Fox said. 

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Award-winning journalist, adventure seeker, explorer, dog lover.

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